Thursday, February 12, 2009

Arby's Sports Illustrated Ad

There are many ad's out there that use certain aspects of women to attract people's attention.  I came across this ad and was surprised at the obvious sexism that the ad displayed. Arby's put this ad in a  recent Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue to attract men to read that ad and consider Arby's next time they went out to eat. The first thing that bugged me about this particular ad was that they were comparing woman's breasts to two hamburgers from Arby's. I think thats pretty insulting and most women would like to think that their breasts were better than two hamburgers. The fact that the creator of this ad was comparing a part of a woman's body to food, is obviously sexist and shows a certain view of women as object that you can simply attain. The second thing that was particularly offending about this ad was the quote that was on the bottom of the ad: "Were about to reveal something you'll really drool over". This yet again compares a part of a woman's body to a piece of meat that people drool over. The fact that a woman and a hamburger are being placed in the same category is ridiculous in my opinion. On CNBC, which is where I originally found this ad and is also linked at the beginning of my blog, Darrel Rover gave his reaction to the ad. "Not only did I stop, I read the whole thing". This ad obviously caught his attention and made him want to read the entire ad.  I'm guessing that women might stop and read the ad as well, but wont have a very positive reaction. Altogether this ad is another sexist ad that was used to catch reader's attention, without considering the message that it portrayed. 



  1. The sexism in the ad is pretty overwhelming. It's quite obvious that their "Big Montanna" or whatever sandwich of the week it is this time is being compaired to breasts. Last time i checked womens breasts dont come on a seasme seed bun and you can't order it with curly fries. So what does the imagine of breasts have to do with roast beef sandwiches? To think that Arbys marking department has gotten so bad that they have to use womens breats as a marketing ploy to sell their sandwiches.

  2. Advertisers are always looking for new and "exciting" ways to attract people to what they are trying to sell to them and using women as sexual objects is nothing new. Sex sells and they know that, the way that they chose to use a cheesey line like that at the bottom is just bad decision making. Its like they are saying that yeah sure you will drool over a womans breats but if its a hamburger its even better than boobs and well im pretty sure that my boobs are better than two hamburgers from arbys. Clearly there is a reason that Arbys is the company that needed to use this ad and not Burger King or McDonalds.

  3. The article is sexist but at the same time it is in Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit Magazine so you cant expect it not to be revealing really. When sex sells, a fast food restaurant should try to use that in their ads because of fast food not being healthy for you.
