Monday, April 13, 2009

Observe and Report-Offensive Trailer

When I was at the movies a couple weeks ago I saw a trailer for the new movie Observe and Report that actually just came out on Friday. This trailer honestly just pissed me off. I think whoever looks at this trailer and laughs, is not really paying attention to what their watching. The concept is that their was a flasher running around the parking lot of the mall and the "dumb blonde girl" got extremely offended by it and reported it to mall security. Seth Rogen is the head security guard and is supposedly on a mission to find out who was running around flashing people. The first thing I noticed while watching this trailer was the stereotype of the "dumb blonde". The blonde character is over the top ditzy and doesnt seem to be able to complete one single intelligent sentence in the trailer. The idea of the man being the hero and saving the dumb girl, is also the main point of the movie. I understand that the character is supposed to make people laugh and be funny, but at this point it's old and I dont think anyone should be laughing anymore. Movies like this are the reason why the stereotype of a "dumb blonde" came about anyways. Its making women look stupid at the expense of entertainment and making money. Women are not benefiting from this though, besides the woman actor in the movie who is making money off of it. This just puts the idea in people's heads about women being stupid, and needing to be saved by a man, wether its supposed to be a comedy or not. The most offensive part about this trailer was the end scene where the character played by Anna Farris named Brandi was obviously heavily intoxicated and went home with the character played by Seth Rogen named Ronnie. The scene is basically Ronnie having sex with what looks to be an unconcious Brandi. She looks as though she was either sleeping or passed out. Pretty much the scene looked like the scene of a date rape, which is just obvioulsy offensive to anyone who has had an experience with sexual assualt or any woman in general. As though to make the situation seem less offensive, they have Brandi wake up and ask why he stopped. She was grumbling this, obviously not in the mind state to make any responsible decisions about what she was doing. The average statistic is one out of every six women have been a victim of attempted or completed rape in their lifetime, so this commercial would most likely be offensive to at least one out of every six women. The fact that this was not considered when the trailer was made is ridiculous, and shows that media would rather exploit women in order to make money rather than consider the way these women might actually feel about it. I feel like because an incident like this was put into a comedy, people might then think its okay or maybe even funny. I think thats a problem because its not funny, and is a real problem in our society. I could get over the idea of the dumb blonde stereotype being funny, date rape being funny? Not so much.

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