Monday, April 13, 2009

Testing American's Tolerance

ABC News tested America's openmindness on the show "What Would You Do?". The concept of this episode was to stage a gay couple in a sports bar and see how others in the bar reacted. They also staged a straight couple that acted the same exact way as the gay couple did at the opposite end of the bar. Finally they added a staged observer who acted as though he was extremely disturbed by the gay couple, to see if others in the bar agreed with him or went against him. In the first experiment the couple is not very affectionate at all, and when the actor stands up and protests against them being there, he literally gets told to leave the bar by others sitting at the bar and no one agrees with the harsh comments hes saying. Next they have the actor use comedy as a way to protest against the gay couple and still, no one agrees with him and pretty much tells him to shut up. They then told the gay couple to be more affectionate and see if that changed people's reaction. They also told the straight couple to act as though they were disturbed by the gay couple to see if people went along with it. When the couple got more affectionate, one man seemed to go along with the straight couple and make comments about how disgusting that was, but when the actor got up and actually said something loudly enough for others to hear about it the man did not speak up with him. Also when the cameras came back and interviewed the man he said that he had no problem with it, completey contradicting the comments that he made previously about how disgusting it was. I think the fact that this aired on ABC is a great step for tolerance of gay and lesbian relationships in society. This show proved a couple different things about the way that society works. First of all it proved that many people voice their homophobic opinons in private, but will not express them to everyone because being seeing as homophobic in America today is a negative characteristic. The one man that voiced his supposed homophobia to the entire bar got told to shut up and leave the bar. The other man who obvioulsy had homophobic beliefs said nothing about them when the cameras were on. This leads to a deeper point that this show proved, which is the shift in how homophobia is viewed. Thirty years ago it was the obvious choice to be homophobic, and these relationships were never accepted. Now its a negative thing to have homophobic beliefs, or at least to offend other people by them. This shows the great improvement in the way that society accepts other people, wether they agree with their ways or not. Those people that sat in the bar and argued with the actor who made harsh comments may not have believed being gay was the right thing to do, but they did believe that they should be able to do what they want as long as they didnt get too affectionate. Thats a fine line that seems to be created for gay and lesbian couples but a line thats dwindling every day. I think this show is also positive because it shows people with homophobic beliefs, that although they may not agree with it they can still let people do what they chose to do as long as their not hurting anyone. Altogether homophobia will always be an issue, mostly because of religion but I think this episode showed much improvement in the acceptance of gay couples in society.


  1. I had seen this video on the blog Feministing, and it made me extremely excited. It is wonderful to see that it is no longer completely OK for people to make homophobic remarks, and it was great to see a major TV network like ABC trying to call out those people that are homophobic. It was sad to hear the gay couple talk about how they usually tone down their affection in public; it’s disappointing to hear that they can’t be who they are in public while straight couples can do practically what they want and no one bats an eyelash. It was wonderful to see how far we’ve come for equal rights for everyone, but this video shows that there is still a far way to go before gay couples are treated equally. Not just because many homosexual couples (just like this one) feel that they can’t act how they want to in case they make other people uncomfortable, but also because there are still so many people out there just like the man at the end of the video who was being extremely rude and homophobic. This man shows that, while it might not be OK to be seen as homophobic on national television, it is still accepted by certain people in smaller public areas. Many people feel that they have to hide their real opinions when they are on TV because a much wider array of people can see them, but then when they are in a comfortably small setting they feel that they can do and say whatever they want. This sort of mentality is better, because it means that people are realizing that homophobia isn’t universally accepted anymore, but it also means that there are still many homophobic people but they are just hiding how they feel and waiting until the cameras are gone before they say and do what they really want to.

  2. I love that series!! I am always amazed at peoples intolerance of others but I am not always surprised. I usually feel sorry for them because the world is alot larger than some indiviuals know and the world does not revolve around their idiotic and close minded thoughts.

    You are right when the lights and cameras go off the real person comes out just like a coward..I wonder if they are really ashamed of the ignorance thats why they hide it.
