Monday, March 9, 2009

Banned New Yorker Commercial

I came across this video on YouTube. It's a commercial for a clothing company called New Yorker that was banned from television, for a good reason. The first thing that I noticed about this commercial was the stereotype that many women get as "gold diggers". It shows the woman in the commercial marrying a man that is obviously much older than her. The end of the commercial also shows that her point of marrying him was for him to die, and then her recieve the benefits. This shows that women are greedy, and use their good looks and bodies to get married for the wrong reasons. Another thing that I noticed about the commercial was the scene where she's in the bathroom and the old man is watching her dance around in a bra and underwear. He stares at her for long enough and gets "knocked out" by the way shes dancing and what shes wearing. This shows the woman using her sexuality to get what she wants, which in this case is for the old man to die and for her to get his assests. This commercial was banned because of these sexist stereotypes.

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