Monday, March 9, 2009

Role Models or Bad Influences?

I was sitting at work one night having a discussion with my manager who has a 3 or 4 year old daughter. Someone left behind a bratz doll at one of my tables, and the discussion got brought up of how she would never let her daughter play with one of these dolls. At first I didnt understand her point of view but after thinking about it these dolls do seem to be horrible influences on little girls. First of all most of their outfits either include short skirts, tight pants, or high heels. I dont think that this is an appropriate, or realistic role model for the age group that these dolls are marketed towards. The average age group that these dolls are marketed towards is 6 to 10 years old. Giving these ideas to a 6 year old puts immense pressure on her at a young age to look a ceratin way. Also all of these dolls obviously have alot of makeup on, and some of the packages even put fake makeup in with the dolls as their accessories. This is showing girls that whats important is high heels and makeup rather than other positive things that could be given out with the dolls. I'm not saying that every single one of the dolls comes with a negative message, but for the most part the images that these dolls portray is over sexualized for 6 year olds to be looking at as role models. Some people see it as "its just a toy". Well I think that these "toys" have more of an influence on children than most parents think. The Campaign for a Commercail-Free Childhood even launched a campaign against them stating that "The market message to younger girls is that sex is power- a commodity." I definitely think it's something to consider next time parents are out shopping with their young girls.


  1. It's interesting that you made this post. When i was younger i always wanted a Bratz doll but my mom would never let me get one. Bratz dolls are worse than any other doll I've ever seen. These dolls look near to hookers. I don't blame your manager or my mom for not wanting their daughters to have one, i wouldnt either. When i was little, i looked up to girls that i thought were pretty and all i know is that 6 year old girls don't need this to be their idea of gorgous. These girls are going to have enough pressure when they get older with the media, why start now?

  2. I agree that these dolls are a bad influence on young girls. I think they are worse than Barbie because the bodies of these Bratz are even less obtainable. Just look at them. They have large heads, very skinny bodies, huge eyes, and huge lips. Even the name of these dolls influences girls in a bad way "Bratz". The name is suggesting that these dolls act like brats, and that is not how we want our girls to act. I would never let my child have one.

  3. I thin Bratz is one of the worst doll toys out for kids, mainly little girls. The name alone is not a positive thing and no one wants to be called one. People talk negatively about Barbie, but at least she can be a role model for little kids.
