Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Racist Cartoon?

I first saw this cartoon on a news report a few weeks ago. I was obviously shocked by what I saw. It was posted in the New York Post newspaper February 18, 2009. The fact that something so obviously racist was posted in an American newspaper is completely rediculous, and unbelievable. Historically, African Americans have been referred to as monkeys as a racial attack or slur. It seems that this cartoon is comparing the newly elected president Barack Obama to a monkey. This is proven by the quote above the cartoon "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bil." This obviously is referring to the president since he would be the person that is writing the new stimulus bill. The cartoon is especially offensive since Barack Obama is of African American ethnicity. The fact that this cartoon was allowed to be published and distributed to the american people shows that racist ideas are not completely banned out of society. Although where we live these ideas seem completely rediculous, there are still some people with those racist ideas out there. The New York Post has defended this cartoon and said that the cartoon was a parody of a current news event, referring to the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. Most people are not buying this explaination though. The New York Post should have known that any cartoon that leaves room for interpretation about violence and race is bound to be critcized. Personally I think this cartoon is insulting, racist and flat out wrong.


  1. Wow, I've never seen this cartoon before. I couldn't believe what i saw. Even if this cartoon was a parody of the killing of the violent chimpanzee I dont really think that that's something to make fun of. And why would they but in the cartoon "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." if it apparently has to do with the chimpanzee incodent? Seeing this cartoon really did make me realize that racism is obviously still here no matter what anyone does to try and stop it.

  2. I have seen this cartoon before and remember this controversy. Yes, people think it is racist but they choose to think that way. I don't find it racist at all, its more of two topics that were addressed at the same time which impacted some people because of the news.
